Small Group Escorted Specialty Tours with Concierge Service
Call: 626.616.3448
Email: tomharter@walkeurope.com

Morning Stroll Along The Mediterranean
Optional Morning Walks
Don't let our name misguide you!
The "Walk" in the "WalkEurope" name is about offering an optional before breakfast pleasure walk for guests who would like some early morning exercise and want to experience the beautiful European location we are in as a day wakes up.
WalkEurope is all about having fun... not about strenuous exercise... not about laborious and exhausting hiking... not about arduous mountain trekking... OUCH!
WalkEurope president & founder, Tom Harter, is a daily morning pleasure walker. Tom designed and named the company after two of his favorite activities for healthy living: 1) taking a before breakfast pleasure walk, and 2) his love of traveling in Europe.
Guests are welcome to join Tom on his morning walks... or if you prefer (which most guests do)... sleep in & meet up for a hearty European breakfast.